Audio and Video Collections
Audio and Video Collections
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Collection Tree
- Audio and Video Collections
- Alix Dobkin video recordings, 1976
- Audre Lorde audio recordings, 1977-1986
- Barbara Smith Classroom Tapes & Interviews, 1988
- Buffalo Women's Oral History Project, 1978-1990
- Daughters of Bilitis and The Ladder Workshop, circa 1970s
- Daughters of Bilitis Video Project, 1987-1993
- Dyke TV television program components, 1993-1998
- Feminist and Lesbian Writers on Women's Public Radio, c. 1970s
- History of New York Lesbian Style Oral History Project, 2007
- Joan Nestle audio recordings, 1976-1989
- Judy Grahn audio recordings, circa 1970s
- Karen Thompson Interviews, c. 1988-1989
- L.U.S.T. Conference, 1992
- Lambda Legal Forum, 1982
- Lesbian Nation radio program, 1972-1974
- Liza Cowan collection, c. 1970s
- Mabel Hampton Oral History Collection, 1976-1989
- Martha Shelley Audio Recordings, 1972-2020 [bulk 1972-1978]
- Moving Image Materials
- Neighborhood Voices, 1985
- Rossmoor Lesbian Social Club Interviews, 2021-2022
- Ruth Scovill Lesbian Music Interviews, 1970-1974
- Ruthie Berman and Connie Kurtz 1984-2022 [bulk 2000-2002]
- Sidney Abbott video recordings, 1995
- Straight Talk About Lesbians, 1980
- Voices of the LHA: Statement of Purpose and Related Recordings
- Women, AIDS, and ACT UP, 1988-1994
- Women's Press Collective audio recordings, circa 1970s