Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

LHA Daughters of Bilitis Video Project: Related Video Recordings, 1989-1995


LHA Daughters of Bilitis Video Project: Related Video Recordings, 1989-1995


This collection includes videos created during the course of the Daughters of Bilitis Video Project, including the 20th Anniversary of the Boston chapter and the memorial service for Diane Cleaver.

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Lesbian Herstory Archives

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    The Boston chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis celebrate their 20th anniversary with opening remarks by Lois Johnson. She briefly discusses the founding of the chapter in 1969 by Jan Chase before thanking committee members and individuals for their contributions to the ceremony. The video ends with the lighting and cutting of the cake.
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    Friends and family gather at the funeral of Diane Cleaver to share stories, reminisce, and pay homage to her.

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