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Lesbian Nation, January 1973 [Women Choose Women Exhibition]
This recording consists of informal interviews and a narrated tour conducted by Martha Shelly as she walks through the museum on the opening of the Women Choose Women exhibit at the New York Cultural Center. Martha Shelley interviews important people tied to this exhibit such as Mario Amaya, director of the New York Cultural Center. Anne Kang, an activist who discusses work with her fellow activists to protest discrimination against work created by women at the Museum of Modern Art and the organization of what would become the Women Choose Women exhibition.
Artist Muriel Castanis, a self described “sculpturette” shares her enthusiasm for the exhibition and the New York Cultural Center for hosting it. After the conclusion of this section, Martha Shelley conducts a walking tour of the exhibition and discusses selected works that stood out to her. She bumps into Janet Kogan and asks about her works and how they became part of the show. -
Lesbian Nation, January 30, 1973
Interview with Jane Kogan about Daughters of Bilitis and why she gave up painting and her life as an activist and artist [The Lady’s Not for Sale by Kris Kristofferson plays] . -
Dyke TV Episode
This video serves as a valuable resource to understand what a full episode of Dyke TV would have looked like when it aired. In addition to a segment titled, “From the Archives,” which spotlights the experience of lesbians in Harlem, and further illustrates the community presence outside of the well documented activism surrounding Stonewall. Next was an “Arts” segment, in which filmmaker Su Friedrich discusses her background and experience making films. Finally, there are two segments of “I was a Lesbian Child,” a segment which is represented in clips on this site. These segments aimed to normalize the lesbian experience; interviewees discuss their childhoods and showcase childhood photos. The video closes with credits, contact information, and a Public Service Announcement about street harassment.Tags Anna Maria Simo, Archives, Art, Children, Humor, Linda Chapman, Mary Patierno, Media, Su Friedrich