This video serves as a valuable resource to understand what a full episode of Dyke TV would have looked like when it aired. In addition to a segment titled, “From the Archives,” which spotlights the experience of lesbians in Harlem, and further illustrates the community presence outside of the well documented activism surrounding Stonewall. Next was an “Arts” segment, in which filmmaker Su Friedrich discusses her background and experience making films. Finally, there are two segments of “I was a Lesbian Child,” a segment which is represented in clips on this site. These segments aimed to normalize the lesbian experience; interviewees discuss their childhoods and showcase childhood photos. The video closes with credits, contact information, and a Public Service Announcement about street harassment.
Oral history recording that documents the history and legacy of the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Members of LHA recite the LHA Statement of Purpose from 1974. This is followed by the reading of quotes (with multiple, unidentified readers) from appreciative visitors to LHA.