Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

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  • SPW1962.JPG

    This tape contains the third panel from the Gay Academic Union Conference at NYU, the "Lesbian in Literature" Panel. Panelists are Janet Cooper, speaking on female crushes and friendships in children's literature, and Cynthia Secor, speaking about Gertrude Stein and James Joyce. The moderator was Virginia Caputo.

    Janet describes that the first room in a library targeted specifically for children was in the Pratt Library in Brooklyn in 1895. The librarian Anne Carole Moore worked there, and would become a very influential children's librarian. She speaks on the monopoly of children's literature in publishing and book awards, with Anne Carole Moore at the center due to her connections with other powerful librarians. Since Anne Carole Moore's appointment, child friendships and friend crushes in literature have disappeared. The removal of content in library books where children physically touched each other, Janet says, was a direct result of the fear of lesbianism.

    Cynthia Secor speaks about Gertrude Stein and James Joyce. She asserts that Stein is an oft-overlooked figure in literature. Gertrude Stein was a sort of hidden figure, while James Joyce was taught everywhere. Stein was read by many lesbian women, but Cynthia did not read Stein until she joined the lesbian community. Cynthia reads a passage by Stein, "Cow come out...", discusses Stein's novella, Q.E.D., and her "Patriarchal Poetry" essay.
  • Gorkhover Interview Transcript.docx.pdf

    Alaina Zulli interviews Mariya Gorkhover. They discuss her family, coming out to her parents, how her style has evolved with her sexuality, how she believes she is perceived, and how she would like to be perceived (based upon her looks).
  • VID013.jpeg

    In the final part of the Old Neighborhood Voices interview with Audre Lorde, she wraps up the talk with a discussion on the drama of lesbian life in her youth. She talks about the difficulties and joys of living in community with lesbians in the 1950s and how being on the edge of society gives you a different worldview. She stresses how everyone should view themselves as an outsider so they don't lose perspective on the true sense of power structures at play in the world.
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