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Being a Lesbian Woman in Yugoslavia
This is an interview with Jelena Topalović* about being a queer woman in Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav Wars. She discusses nationalism of the Serbian government, women’s rights, and social attitudes toward homosexuality. Topalović discusses the role of women in Serbian society- that of the mother and the nurturer, and how being a lesbian places people outside that paradigm. She also discusses the government campaign to ban abortion, explaining that this makes lesbian women 'useless' members of society because they do not fit into a nationalistic image that a woman's purpose is to bear children to increase the Serbian population. While she notes there were no specific bans in place against lesbians, the government could still make life very difficult for them. She then discusses Arkadia, Serbia’s first Lesbian Lobby, in which she provides a space for women to gather and discuss issues that affect them, and how to fight misconceptions about lesbianism propagated by the government, and social stigmas against lesbians and single women.
*Name changed for privacy
Discrimination at Clark's Corner Restaurant
A woman reports about discrimination and threats she and her girlfriend faced when they kissed at a restaurant in Brooklyn Heights. She talks about the “kiss in” she and the Lesbian Avengers were having restaurant in protest. She also talks about plans to file a police report and take legal action if possible. -
Don't Ask Don't Tell Protest Footage
This video is documentation of a demonstration protesting Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. The protest occurred on September 23, 1993 outside a fundraiser for the then prospective mayor of New York David Dinkins in which Bill Clinton was speaking. This segment combines raw footage artifacts with more formal documentation of the chants, and informal interviews with the participants. The last portion of this video shows police attempting to forcibly remove demonstrators. -
Dyke Marches, 1993-2001
This video is a compilation of edited footage of Dyke Marches from 1993-2001: the 1993 Dyke March in Washington D.C.; the 1993 Dyke March in New York City; the 1994 Dyke March in New York City; the 1995 Dyke March in New York City; the 1999 Dyke March in New York City; the 2000 Dyke March in New York City; and the 2001 Dyke March in New York City. The video includes interviews with lesbians and individuals who are participating in the Dyke March and studio interviews with Kelly Cogswell, Maxine Wolfe, and Marlene Colburn. Lesbians participating in the march express their need for visibility, civil rights, and liberation on all fronts. -
Dyke TV Beijing Project
A fundraising letter asking for support for the Dyke TV Beijing Project to attend the NGO Forum at the United Nations World Conference on Women to record testimonies from women. The letter notes a partnership between Dyke TV and FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavor) to also bring recorded testimonies to short wave radio. -
Dyke TV Episode
This video serves as a valuable resource to understand what a full episode of Dyke TV would have looked like when it aired. In addition to a segment titled, “From the Archives,” which spotlights the experience of lesbians in Harlem, and further illustrates the community presence outside of the well documented activism surrounding Stonewall. Next was an “Arts” segment, in which filmmaker Su Friedrich discusses her background and experience making films. Finally, there are two segments of “I was a Lesbian Child,” a segment which is represented in clips on this site. These segments aimed to normalize the lesbian experience; interviewees discuss their childhoods and showcase childhood photos. The video closes with credits, contact information, and a Public Service Announcement about street harassment.Tags Anna Maria Simo, Archives, Art, Children, Humor, Linda Chapman, Mary Patierno, Media, Su Friedrich -
Dyke TV Expansion Press Release
A press release announcing that Dyke TV will begin airing in San Francisco and seven other cities, for a total reach to 18 cities. The announcement notes the current cities of distribution, and describes content that will be included in upcoming programming. -
Dyke TV Membership Letter, 1994
A letter requesting support for Dyke TV. The letter asks the recipient to consider becoming a member of the Dyke TV network of grass-roots lesbian television supporters. -
Gay Pride Parade New York City, 1993 (Part 1)
This clip shows archival footage of the New York City Gay Pride Parade on June 27, 1993. This particular parade represented the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. It was also taking place at an apex for the movement against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, banning out gay people from military service. Participating groups include the Lesbian and Gay Big Apple Corps, the Lesbian Avengers, the Women's Action Coalition, the Gay Veterans Association, and the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Also seen marching is politician Ruth Messinger and comedian/performer Lea DeLaria. -
Gay Pride Parade New York City, 1993 (Part 2)
Raw footage of the the Gay Pride Parade in New York City near Washington Square Park. Includes shots of spectators and parade participants including the Gay Police Association, RuPaul, Love Lounge, New Jersey Lesbian Coalition, The Eulenspiegel Society, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Long Island, Senior Action in a Gay Environment (SAGE), the Hetrick-Martin Institute, People With AIDS Coalition (PWAC) and PWAC Mother's Support Group, AIDS Resource Center, Community Health Project, The Village AIDS Programs, and Gay Men's Health Crisis. "Boycott Colorado" signs are present throughout, referencing Colorado's 1992 ballot Amendment 2 that prevented protected status under the law for homosexuals or bisexuals. -
Georgia Ragsdale Interview
This video features comedian Georgia Ragsdale. The video includes clips from an interview and stand up footage from one of Ragsdale’s performances. She discusses the way she approaches her work and being out as a comedian. Ragsdale explains that for her, “Being out as a comic isn't a choice, because as a stand up comedian all you have is your worldview, your perspective on life and your life and the people around you, so I don’t see how you have a choice to be in or out if you're a stand up comedian.” She also reminisces about her first hour long show when circumstances forced her to come up with enough material in a very short period of time.
I Was a Lesbian Child [Desireena Almoradie]
In this segment of I Was a Lesbian Child, Desireena Almoradie shares photographs from her childhood in the Philippines and stories of her life while growing up there. -
I Was a Lesbian Child [Jocelyn Taylor]
In this segment of I Was a Lesbian Child, Jocelyn Taylor shares photographs from her childhood and stories of her life while growing up. She shares a memory from when she attended Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington DC. -
Maria Maggenti Interview
This segment shows a short interview with filmmaker Maria Maggenti about her 1995 film The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love. Maggenti first developed the script of the film as a project for NYU’s Graduate Film Program, but abandoned it after several years of trying to work through much darker themes. She explains that, while the film deals with highly politicized topics like coming out, and interracial relationships, the film’s tone remains light and comedic. In this segment, Maggenti describes the making of the film, which included a crew that was entirely women, none of whom were paid; rather, she explains the film provided women the opportunity to expand their careers in the industry. The film was released on June 16th, 1995, and distributed by New Line Cinema. It also participated in several film festivals in 1995, including Sundance.
Mary Patierno Interview
In this interview Mary Patierno, co-founder and executive producer of Dyke TV discusses Dyke TV, a groundbreaking public access program produced in New York City by and for lesbians. Pateirno talks about the program’s history and its goals. She mentions some of Dyke TV’s important news stories and recollects some of the interviews the show conducted with women artists, activists and public figures. Patierno stresses the importance of preserving other Dyke TV footage that currently remains in storage. In addition to providing more detail about the structure of the episodes, Patierno discusses her experience creating the show, the circumstances surrounding the show’s founding, and the show’s legacy as the first lesbian content on television.
*Note: The interview was recorded using an online call service. -
Mary Patierno Interview [Arts segment excerpt]
Edited excerpt from an interview with Mary Patierno, cofounder of Dyke TV with Linda Chapman and Anna Maria Simo. In this excerpt, Mary describes the "The Arts" segment that was sometimes included in Dyke TV programs. -
Mary Patierno Interview [Eyewitness excerpt]
Edited excerpt from an interview with Mary Patierno, cofounder of Dyke TV with Linda Chapman and Anna Maria Simo. In this excerpt, Mary describes the Eyewitness segment that was sometimes included in Dyke TV programs. -
Mary Patierno Interview [From the Archives excerpt]
Edited excerpt from an interview with Mary Patierno, cofounder of Dyke TV with Linda Chapman and Anna Maria Simo. In this excerpt, Mary describes the From the Archives segment that was sometimes included in Dyke TV programs. -
Mary Patierno Interview [I Was a Lesbian Child excerpt]
Edited excerpt from an interview with Mary Patierno, cofounder of Dyke TV with Linda Chapman and Anna Maria Simo. In this excerpt, Mary describes the I was a Lesbian Child segment that was sometimes included in Dyke TV programs. -
Mary Patierno Interview Transcript
In this interview Mary Patierno, co-founder and executive producer of DykeTV discusses DykeTV, a groundbreaking public access program produced by and for lesbians. Pateirno talks about the program’s history and its goals. She mentions some of DykeTV’s important news stories and recollects some of the interviews the show conducted with women artists, activists and public figures. Patierno stresses the importance of preserving other DykeTV footage that currently remains in storage. She also describes the production and post-production process, the ideas behind show segments and reflects on how she would like the show to be remembered.
The transcript can be searched when viewed in the document viewer below. -
Report from World AIDS Day 1995
A Dyke TV report on World AIDS Day from New York City Hall. The event is a commemoration and demonstration memorializing New Yorkers who have died of AIDS, and a protest against budget cuts that will impact AIDS education, prevention, and services. It includes footage of people reading the names of the deceased, with City Hall chosen as a location to send a message to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani for his lack of response to the AIDS crisis. The report includes footage from a Housing Works Theater Project, "In Limbo", and interviews with participants including health care workers, an AIDS educator, and a harm reduction advocate and recipient of assistance at risk of being cut. Excerpts from the Dyke TV series "Risk, Lesbians, and AIDS" is also shown, including interviews with lesbian women living with AIDS and health care workers, and an excerpt from "Voices From the Front" about the People With AIDS Health Group and Act Up protests against the United States Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. -
San Francisco Dyke March and Gay Pride Footage, 1995
This footage shows events and gatherings from the third annual San Francisco Dyke March on June 18, 1995, themed "A World Without Borders." It includes several women giving brief speeches before the march begins on topics such as domestic violence and gay communities in South Africa. California State Senator Carole Migden and Assistant Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development Roberta Achtenberg appear in the march. At the end of the march, Achtenberg gives a speech and the singer Rozalla performs.