Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

Billye Talmadge

Born on December 7, 1929 in Missouri, Billye Talmadge was raised by her mother in Oklahoma. She completed her education early and began her teaching career at 21. She took jobs in Tacoma, Seattle and Oakland, eventually moving to San Francisco where she began her involvement with the Daughters of Bilitis, with Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, to provide education to its member and the general public. In the DOB she served as a member, officer, volunteer, and peer counselor; she was involved with the Gab ‘n Java sessions, The Ladder magazine, and in the formation and development of the Council on Religion and Homosexuals. Her involvement with the DOB lasted until 1965, when she went on to receive more education in counseling, and worked as a special education teacher in the California school system, receiving recognition as Teacher of the Year in 1971. From 1965 to 1979 Billye dedicated herself to the help of people of all kinds and was became a mentor in a group called the Prosperos. Currently, Billye Talmadge is 85 and is living in Portland, Oregon in an assisted living facility. (Gofundme page for her financial support: http://www.gofundme.com/love-BT)

Billye Talmadge Interview, 1987<br />

Billye Talmadge Interview, 1987

Billye Talmadge discusses her early experiences as she came to understand her own preferences and sexuality, and the support she received from her college dean, classmate, and mother.