Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

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  • SPW1922.JPG

    (Side A) Victoria Brownworth this episode of Amazon Country with announcements regarding lesbian and feminist groups and organizations. Roberta Hacker interviews Arleen Olshan of the Gay Community Center. Arleen notes that lesbians are underrepresented in decision-making, policy development and program coordination, and the GCC would benefit from more lesbian involvement. They discuss lesbian separatism (especially relating to how few women are involved with the GCC). Arleen announces upcoming events at the GCC including various lectures by authors and activists, as well as consciousness-raising groups and educational classes. (Continues onto side B) Arleen encourages lesbians to check out the center because they "might be surprised" by the level of feminism that exists within the gay male community.

    Includes an ad for the Bicentennial Women's Center.
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    Irene Yarrow opens this episode of Everywomanspace with information about Lesbian Switchboard and Identity House to help listeners who want to know how to reach the gay community. She recommends these organizations and coming-out groups, along with consciousness-raising groups, for any woman who wants to get together with other women to discuss issues relating to feminism or lesbianism.

    Irene interviews Jan Clausen, a poet and writer from Oregon who reads her short story, "The Warsaw Ghetto." Irene and Jan discuss autobiographical writing, the experience of writing about friends and acquaintances, incorporating the political into personal writing, and receiving feedback as a writer. They also debate the question of whether feminist and lesbian writers should publish with women's presses or commercial presses, prompted by a questionnaire Jan sent to a number of lesbian writers, which she describes as her "writing community." Finally, Irene asks Jan if she feels that her stories with "lesbian content" limit her to a lesbian audience. Both hope that all women would be interested in women's content, regardless of sexuality. Jan also reads her poems, "The Christmas Letter" and "This is a Poem for You, Mary."

    Irene also takes questions from callers (side B) including a woman asking for advice on how to find resources to respond to her younger sister coming out and a woman who wanted to share her opinion that publishing through women's presses will be the only option when the women's movement "goes out of vogue."
  • RadioFreeWomen_AuditionTape.jpg

    Collected Auditions for Radio Free Women: Interview with Robin Morgan, Interview and poetry readings with [???] and Rita May Brown, discussion of D.C. rape hearings with selected poets from Washington D.C. Rape Crisis center, Excerpt from 1972 Radio Free Women Collage show "Waitresses". Excerpt from 1973 Collage show "Advertising"

    Audio fades out and in at several points.
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    Columnist for the village voice, feminist, Jill Johnson discusses the role of the feminist lesbian within the larger movement of women’s liberation. Johnson discusses the variations in the NYC lesbian experience, and the relationship they have with straight women, and the overarching culture at large. She discusses the contributions that a lesbian feminist can make to empower other women.
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    In this recording, Sally Gearhart discusses how the Church enforces ideas of masculinity and feminity. The host argues that feminism is incompatible with Christianity and lesbianism allows a woman to love herself and let go of the self-hatred that society and the Church impose.
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