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The Lesbian in Literature - Episode 3 of 4
This tape contains the third panel from the Gay Academic Union Conference at NYU, the "Lesbian in Literature" Panel. Panelists are Janet Cooper, speaking on female crushes and friendships in children's literature, and Cynthia Secor, speaking about Gertrude Stein and James Joyce. The moderator was Virginia Caputo.
Janet describes that the first room in a library targeted specifically for children was in the Pratt Library in Brooklyn in 1895. The librarian Anne Carole Moore worked there, and would become a very influential children's librarian. She speaks on the monopoly of children's literature in publishing and book awards, with Anne Carole Moore at the center due to her connections with other powerful librarians. Since Anne Carole Moore's appointment, child friendships and friend crushes in literature have disappeared. The removal of content in library books where children physically touched each other, Janet says, was a direct result of the fear of lesbianism.
Cynthia Secor speaks about Gertrude Stein and James Joyce. She asserts that Stein is an oft-overlooked figure in literature. Gertrude Stein was a sort of hidden figure, while James Joyce was taught everywhere. Stein was read by many lesbian women, but Cynthia did not read Stein until she joined the lesbian community. Cynthia reads a passage by Stein, "Cow come out...", discusses Stein's novella, Q.E.D., and her "Patriarchal Poetry" essay. -
Victoria Brownworth Speaks with Bertha Harris
Victoria Brownworth interviews author Bertha Harris in an episode of Amazon Country. Bertha discusses how writing has been a means of freedom and escape for her, and how she would like fiction to help define what it means to be a lesbian. They also explore whether and how the patriarchy has an impact on what women write. They ruminate on the overlap between politics and art. -
13th Moon: Marilyn Hacker and Grace Paley
Presented in the Women's Studies series, this episode contains poetry readings by Marilyn Hacker, an editor for feminist literary magazine 13th Moon, and poet Grace Paley. -
It's a Jungle Out There: Jan Alpert Speaks with Rita Mae Brown and reads from her Books
Jan Alpert and Rita Mae Brown discuss Rita Mae's career path and motivations outside of being a writer, as well as her involvement as a street organizer in the women's and gay rights movements. Occasionally throughout the interview, Jan will read excerpts from Rubyfruit Jungle, Rita Mae's first novel, and In Her Day, Rita Mae's second novel. While discussing In Her Day, they cover the lessons Rita Mae learned from writing it. -
Women Writing Series - Episode 2
Irene Yarrow opens this episode of Everywomanspace with information about Lesbian Switchboard and Identity House to help listeners who want to know how to reach the gay community. She recommends these organizations and coming-out groups, along with consciousness-raising groups, for any woman who wants to get together with other women to discuss issues relating to feminism or lesbianism.
Irene interviews Jan Clausen, a poet and writer from Oregon who reads her short story, "The Warsaw Ghetto." Irene and Jan discuss autobiographical writing, the experience of writing about friends and acquaintances, incorporating the political into personal writing, and receiving feedback as a writer. They also debate the question of whether feminist and lesbian writers should publish with women's presses or commercial presses, prompted by a questionnaire Jan sent to a number of lesbian writers, which she describes as her "writing community." Finally, Irene asks Jan if she feels that her stories with "lesbian content" limit her to a lesbian audience. Both hope that all women would be interested in women's content, regardless of sexuality. Jan also reads her poems, "The Christmas Letter" and "This is a Poem for You, Mary."
Irene also takes questions from callers (side B) including a woman asking for advice on how to find resources to respond to her younger sister coming out and a woman who wanted to share her opinion that publishing through women's presses will be the only option when the women's movement "goes out of vogue." -
Lesbian Nation, March 27, 1973
In this episode of Lesbian Nation Martha Shelley speaks with Isabel Miller, author of “Patience and Sarah”. They discuss Miller’s writing career, her use of a pseudonym for writing lesbian novels, and the process of getting “Patience and Sarah” published. -
Lesbian Nation, October 20, 1972
This episode of Lesbian Nation opens with Mary Flowerpot’s comedy segement followed by Martha Shelly interviewing Bertha Harris. Harris is the author of “Catching Saradove” (1969), “Confessions of Cherubino.” (1972), and “Lover” (1976). Shelley and Harris have a conversation about the writing process and intellectualism. -
Lesbian Nation, July 28, 1972
Martha Shelley interviews Gene Damon aka Barbara Grier, founder of the lesbian magazine The Ladder (1956-1972). They discuss the beginnings of The Ladder and how it evolved from a smaller publication within the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) into an independent publication. Grier discusses the shift in content as well once the magazine became independent of the Daughters of Bilitis. Grier felt that under DOB they were focused on presenting a clean public image of lesbians to society at large and that this was reflected in what was published in older versions of The Ladder. Once Grier became the editor, she felt it was important to address topics like sexuality, saying “we began running material that deals with sex honestly and forthrightly.”Tags Barbara Grier, Coming Out, Daughters of Bilitis, Gay Activists Alliance (GAA), Interviews, Lesbian Musician, Lesbian Nation, Lesbian Writer, Literature, Martha Shelley, Music, Publications, Sex, Sexual Relationships, Sexuality, The Ladder, Women's Lesbian Liberation Committee, Women's Liberation Movement, Writing -
Lesbian Nation, March 21, 197[?]
A recording of Judy Grahn who briefly discusses publishing and two independent presses run by women, the Women’s Press Collective & Mama’s Press in the California bay area. The majority of airtime is dedicated to Grahn’s reading of works from the aforementioned presses. She reads chapter 17 from Sharon Isabel’s autobiographical novel “Yesterday’s Lessons” as well as poetry from “Lesbians Speak Out” & poems of Susan Griffin. -
Karen Anderson Ryer Interview, 1987
Karen Anderson Ryer discusses her coming out process, and the acceptance of her parents. She talks about butch vs. fem, and changing generational attitudes. Discusses importance of feminism to lesbianism specifically, and differences from gay men’s movement. She details the split of “The Ladder” from the San Francisco chapter from DOB, and how she left to start a new magazine. Also mentions the integration of different lesbian communities – Oakland vs. San Francisco, and the impact of AIDS on the lesbian community. -
Alma Routsong Interview, January 20, 1990
Alma Routsong is interviewed in New York in 1990. She discusses her early experiences of being a lesbian and coming out. She explains how lesbian literature of the time informed her about DOB and influenced her to leave her husband and move to New York with her lover. Alma also discusses her writing career and use of a pseudonym. In tape 2 she discusses DOB groups and events, as well as the demise of DOB.