Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections
Welcome to the Lesbian Herstories Archives Audio/Visual Collections! The LHA was founded in the early 1970s to gather and preserve records of Lesbian lives and activities. These collections represent a powerful record of decades of activism, art, and Lesbian culture. 

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Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice - Tape 5

An interview with two women discussing the history of women's peace camps, ecofeminism, and issues of ethnocentricity among non-indigenous activists,…


Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice - Tape 6

Footage of a demonstration that took place outside of the main gates of the Seneca Army Depot, in which a group of women wearing white fabric and fake…


A Lesbian Portrait (Lesbian Music For Lesbians Only) - Reel 2

A Lesbian Portraitconsists of songs written by Linda Shear from 1972-1975. Shear, who requested that audiences for her performances be exclusively…


A Lesbian Portrait (Lesbian Music For Lesbians Only) - Reel 1

A Lesbian Portrait consists of songs written by Linda Shear from 1972-1975. Shear, who requested that audiences for her performances be exclusively…


Karen Thompson Interview - Tape 5

This tape is part of a 5-part series interviewing Karen Thompson regarding her legal struggles to secure guardianship of her comatose partner, Sharon…


Karen Thompson Interview - Tape 4

This tape is part of a 5-part series interviewing Karen Thompson regarding her legal struggles to secure guardianship of her comatose partner, Sharon…

551 items
84 collections
15 exhibits