Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

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  • LC044.jpeg

    In this episode of Radio Free Women, three members of the National Organization for Women (NOW), discuss the state of abortion after the passage of Roe v. Wade. Mary Bailey (coordinator of the NOW Abortion Coalition), Mary Helen Bloom (member of the national area chapter of NOW), and Mary Garrison (President of the Montgomery NOW chapter) discuss threats to the landmark ruling. They also discuss how women are excluded for the conversation around abortion, as well as where states have the right to regulate and balance issues of state interests with consideration of women's health.
  • RadioFreeWomen_AuditionTape.jpg

    Collected Auditions for Radio Free Women: Interview with Robin Morgan, Interview and poetry readings with [???] and Rita May Brown, discussion of D.C. rape hearings with selected poets from Washington D.C. Rape Crisis center, Excerpt from 1972 Radio Free Women Collage show "Waitresses". Excerpt from 1973 Collage show "Advertising"

    Audio fades out and in at several points.
  • SophiesParlor.mp3

    Radio Free Women/ Sophie's Parlor episode about rape in terms of legal representation and shortcomings, poor and prejudiced treatment of rape victims. Audio is poor at times. The discussion focuses on the need to implement legal changes to how rape is understood through hearings and testimonies that are very difficult experience for the rape victims. They point out the sexist, classist, and racial discriminations against victims of sexual assault (such as victims having to pay for their medical expenses after forensic collection). They talked about the availability of the Rape Crisis Center to help women in need.
  • UnusedPortionOfHealthShows.jpg

    Discusses health administrations and hospitals disregarding women's wishes when giving birth, and taking the newborn away leaving the mother to wait for days to see the baby. The show also highlights women being rushed through birth, the instrumental nature of nurses, and complications with doctors. It focuses on connecting medicine with feminist ideology to insure legal change and rights protection.
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    This is a panel introduced by the president of the Women's Action Organization, with the Vice President of the Department of State in attendance. The speakers (from the DC Rape Crisis Center) discuss sexual violence. They also discuss how the crisis center came to be and the services it offers, issues with legal definitions, how to protect women, medical support, and self-defense, among other topics. The first speaker is Karen Kollias (RCC co-founder). The end of this audio includes live instruction and demonstration of self-defense tactics.
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    This is a gay rights hearing with speakers arguing both in favor and opposed to the proposed bill. Those in favor urged the council to allow the parliamentary process to move forward so the bill could be debated and voted on. They argued for equality under the law and the importance of respecting the process. Those opposed expressed concerns about the bill extending homosexual rights beyond government employment, potentially affecting private schools and rentals, and equating homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. They maintained that homosexuality is not morally or socially equal to heterosexuality. Several speakers share personal life experiences. Eleanor Cooper is featured identifying herself as a spokesperson for Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and a member of Lesbian Feminist Liberation.

    U-Matic tapes note that the recordings include the following speakers:
    Harrison Goldin
    Feather Keane
    David Dinkins
    Eleanor Cooper
    Abraham Modowitz
    female doctor
    Gay cop
    MOS audience
    Interview with Pat Bond
    Rabbi Dennis M
    Eugenia Lee Hancock
    Robert Selden (cut-off after 1 sentence)
  • Screenshot (27).png

    This video depicts a panel discussion between Rosalyn Richter, the then Executive Director and attorney for Lambda Legal, and Rhonda Copelon, the then an attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights and law professor at CUNY Law School moderated by David A.J. Richards, a teacher of Constitutional Law and Legal Philosophy at NYU School of Law .

    The speakers discuss values and gay rights issues through the context of individual choice versus choice that brings harm. Richter and Copelon discuss and answer questions about Roe v. Wade and housing for queer youth. The video then cuts to a document entitled "Anti Gay Legislation: an Attempt to Sanction Inequality." An individual then holds up a Lambda document entitled “Court Approves Gay Adoption.”
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    Black and white recorded documentary video exploring themes of Lesbian relationships, the AIDS pandemic and the criminalization of LGBTQ+ media.
  • SPW1935.jpg

    For this episode of All Night Sunday with the Radio On, Suzan Shown interviews the cast and creator of Disquieting Muses: A Response to the Suicides of Women Artists, discussing the feeling of obligation to find a man, get married, and otherwise fulfill the role of what a woman is supposed to be.

    Episode includes a reading of an untitled poem by Marilyn Monroe. Features a recording of Women on Trial: The Forbidden Texts of the Three Marias, a one-night only performance about the case of three women authors who wrote against Portugal's dictatorship and were subsequently put on trial.
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