Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

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    Donna Allegra hosts members of The Varied Voices of Black Women, a touring poetry and music production, on The Lesbian Show. Guests include poet Pat Parker, singer and percussionist Linda Tillery, pianist Mary Watkins and Gwen Avery.
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    On this episode of The Velvet Sledgehammer, Donna Allegra interviews members of Mischief Mime, a two woman theater troupe from Ithaca, New York. Mischief Mime tours and teaches nationally to prove artists can make it outside of the larger cities.
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    For this episode of All Night Sunday with the Radio On, Suzan Shown interviews the cast and creator of Disquieting Muses: A Response to the Suicides of Women Artists, discussing the feeling of obligation to find a man, get married, and otherwise fulfill the role of what a woman is supposed to be.

    Episode includes a reading of an untitled poem by Marilyn Monroe. Features a recording of Women on Trial: The Forbidden Texts of the Three Marias, a one-night only performance about the case of three women authors who wrote against Portugal's dictatorship and were subsequently put on trial.
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    Suzan Shown interviews the cast and creator of the theater show Disquieting Muses: A Response to the Suicides of Women Artists, which examines suicides among women artists.
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    Myrna Lamb guest stars on Women's Studies to talk about her new play, Apple Pie. Apple Pie is a musical theater piece about a woman's life in Nuremberg. The play grapples with issues of moral truths and internal and external judgement. Myrna and Viv also discuss the difficulties and complexities of being a woman playright, and various ways that the play attempts to tackle sexism, racism, and anti-semitism in society. They also discuss Myrna's run-ins with male directors in theater and the complex feelings people have about male directors directing women's stories.
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    Author Barbara Barracks is interviewed on the show Prose, produced by Sharon Martin. Barbara reads Chapter 10 of her novel Pleasure.
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    The tape is divided into two sections.

    The first section of the tape contains Act 3 of "The Performance" (6 min), a one-woman play by the Performance Theatre Troupe from Iowa City. The play centers around Effy, a 17-year-old lesbian and musician who must make a decision about her life.

    Following "The Performance," the tape cuts to a gathering of lesbians sitting outside, playing guitar, singing, and reading.
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    A video of a one-woman play by the Performance Theatre Troupe from Iowa City. The place centers around Effy, a 17-year-old lesbian and musician who must make a decision about her life.

    The three-act play takes place over a single day. Act 1 follows Effy in the afternoon, in her bedroom, before going to a piano recital she is involved in. Act 2 takes after the piano recital. Act 3 takes place later that night after Effy has been thinking about her life.

    Tape 1 includes Acts 1 & 2.
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    Interviews and speeches from the demonstration at the Broadway opening of Miss Saigon organized by a coalition called "The Heat Is On 'Miss Saigon': Coaltion to End Racism and Sexism on Broadway".
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    Elaine Heffernan (director) and Jo Meyer (lighting design) are interviewed about their work with Back Alley Theatre on "The Independent Female, or A Man Has His Pride" and "Eve Has Not Been in Paradise Yet." They discuss the state of theater in relation to feminism, politics, and social consciousness.

    Note: Some parts of this tape suffer from water damage and are difficult to hear.
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    This recording is a compilation of songs, music, excerpts, quotes, and recordings by, about, and for women in show business. Featured in part two are songs by Judy Garland; music from various Broadway shows and movie musicals; excerpts from Bette Davis' autobiography;quotes from Dorothy Dandrige; a recording of "Mary C. Brown and the Hollywood Sign" by Dory Previn; a reading of the poem "I Have Come to Claim Marilyn Monroe's Body" by Judy Grahn; and a recording of "There's No Business Like Show Business".
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    This recording is a compilation of quotes, songs, poems, and performances by, about, and for women in show business. Featured in part one are quotes about working in music from Billie Holiday and Aretha Franklin; music by Melanie Safka; a poem to Aretha Franklin by Nikki Giovanni; a letter to Janis Joplin; a performance of Mercedez Benz by Janis Joplin. There are unnamed performances throughout the recording.
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    Interview about the play "Coming Out: A Documentary Play About Gay Life & Liberation in the U.S.A". by Jonathan Ned Katz with five members of the cast. In the course of the conversation, the cast also discusses issues with relating to other social groups through the play.
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    Ruth Simpson and Ellen Povill are interviewed in Woodstock, New York. Ruth talks about her past experience dating men and falling in love. She discusses coming out and realizing her sexual orientation when she was doing theater in college. On tape 2, she and Ellen Povill talk about various movements, including civil rights, feminism and gay and lesbian rights. They describe the day a group of feminists were arrested at a demonstration and the police brutality they experienced and later on, examples of FBI interception. Ruth discusses DOB and her leadership of the New York chapter and Ellen talks about her activities on the action committee.
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    Renee Shapiro is interviewed April 1, 1989. She discusses joining the Daughters of Bilitis and the various group activities they did. Renee talks about her hands on experience with putting together plays and different group events.
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    Anne MacKay is interviewed in Orient Point, New York in 1988. She discusses the early days of the DOB, lesbian conventions, coming out to her family, socializing, theatrical productions to help fund the Lesbian Herstory Archives, and relationships between lesbians.
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    Mabel talks about her life at theater Lafayette on Coney Island in the 20s. She also talks about the dress code of her and her friends; also the language describing lesbians back in the 1920s.
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