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San Francisco Dyke March and Gay Pride Footage, 1995
This footage shows events and gatherings from the third annual San Francisco Dyke March on June 18, 1995, themed "A World Without Borders." It includes several women giving brief speeches before the march begins on topics such as domestic violence and gay communities in South Africa. California State Senator Carole Migden and Assistant Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development Roberta Achtenberg appear in the march. At the end of the march, Achtenberg gives a speech and the singer Rozalla performs. -
Gay Pride Parade New York City, 1993 (Part 1)
This clip shows archival footage of the New York City Gay Pride Parade on June 27, 1993. This particular parade represented the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. It was also taking place at an apex for the movement against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, banning out gay people from military service. Participating groups include the Lesbian and Gay Big Apple Corps, the Lesbian Avengers, the Women's Action Coalition, the Gay Veterans Association, and the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Also seen marching is politician Ruth Messinger and comedian/performer Lea DeLaria. -
Stella Rush & Helen Sandoz, May 15, 1987 (Tape 3 of 3)
Stella Rush and Helen Sandoz are interviewed in 1987. The interview mostly concerns Stella Rush, who talks about her childhood; specifically her encounters with incest and molestation. She also talks about her experiences with police discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s in L.A. Helen and Stella both talk about being editors of the Ladder and being a part of the DOB. Stella talks about workplace harassment, and fear of loser her job. They show photographs from the 1960s, including some of their cat. The video closes with the two discussing their wedding rings.Tags Bars, Christianity, Daughters of Bilitis, Discrimination, Families, Gay Liberation Movement, Hate Crimes, Helen Sandoz, Homosexuality, Incest, Intergenerational Relationships, Interviews, Job Discrimination, Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, Mailing Lists, Mental Health, Mothers, Older Lesbians, Parents of Lesbians and Gays, Police Harassment, Radical Lesbians, Rape, Religion, Sexual Assault, Stella Rush, The Ladder, Violence, Women