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Lesbian Nation, January 2, 1973
In this episode of Lesbian Nation Martha Shelley speaks with poet Susan Caver. In between Caver reading her poetry, Shelley and her discuss the “disturbing” themes in Caver’s poetry which include incest and religion, as well as Carver’s past relationships. -
Stella Rush & Helen Sandoz, May 15, 1987 (Tape 3 of 3)
Stella Rush and Helen Sandoz are interviewed in 1987. The interview mostly concerns Stella Rush, who talks about her childhood; specifically her encounters with incest and molestation. She also talks about her experiences with police discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s in L.A. Helen and Stella both talk about being editors of the Ladder and being a part of the DOB. Stella talks about workplace harassment, and fear of loser her job. They show photographs from the 1960s, including some of their cat. The video closes with the two discussing their wedding rings.Tags Bars, Christianity, Daughters of Bilitis, Discrimination, Families, Gay Liberation Movement, Hate Crimes, Helen Sandoz, Homosexuality, Incest, Intergenerational Relationships, Interviews, Job Discrimination, Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, Mailing Lists, Mental Health, Mothers, Older Lesbians, Parents of Lesbians and Gays, Police Harassment, Radical Lesbians, Rape, Religion, Sexual Assault, Stella Rush, The Ladder, Violence, Women