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DJ, January 6, 1980 (Tape 1)
DJ discusses the time she went to the hospital and was diagnosed as a homosexual. She remembers that the doctor suggested she try going out with a man to determine the extent of her feelings toward women. She also recalls that the doctor told her she must learn to live with society and to control her emotions in public. -
Stella Rush & Helen Sandoz, May 15, 1987 (Tape 3 of 3)
Stella Rush and Helen Sandoz are interviewed in 1987. The interview mostly concerns Stella Rush, who talks about her childhood; specifically her encounters with incest and molestation. She also talks about her experiences with police discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s in L.A. Helen and Stella both talk about being editors of the Ladder and being a part of the DOB. Stella talks about workplace harassment, and fear of loser her job. They show photographs from the 1960s, including some of their cat. The video closes with the two discussing their wedding rings.Tags Bars, Christianity, Daughters of Bilitis, Discrimination, Families, Gay Liberation Movement, Hate Crimes, Helen Sandoz, Homosexuality, Incest, Intergenerational Relationships, Interviews, Job Discrimination, Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, Mailing Lists, Mental Health, Mothers, Older Lesbians, Parents of Lesbians and Gays, Police Harassment, Radical Lesbians, Rape, Religion, Sexual Assault, Stella Rush, The Ladder, Violence, Women -
Gay Rights Bill Council Hearings
This is a gay rights hearing with speakers arguing both in favor and opposed to the proposed bill. Those in favor urged the council to allow the parliamentary process to move forward so the bill could be debated and voted on. They argued for equality under the law and the importance of respecting the process. Those opposed expressed concerns about the bill extending homosexual rights beyond government employment, potentially affecting private schools and rentals, and equating homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. They maintained that homosexuality is not morally or socially equal to heterosexuality. Several speakers share personal life experiences. Eleanor Cooper is featured identifying herself as a spokesperson for Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and a member of Lesbian Feminist Liberation.
U-Matic tapes note that the recordings include the following speakers:
Harrison Goldin
Feather Keane
David Dinkins
Eleanor Cooper
Abraham Modowitz
female doctor
Gay cop
MOS audience
Interview with Pat Bond
Rabbi Dennis M
Eugenia Lee Hancock
Robert Selden (cut-off after 1 sentence)