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Defining a National AIDS Policy Panel
NIH-moderated panel about defining a national AIDS policy, research health services, and prevention in four talks from Maxine Wolfe (ACT UP), Dr. Wanda Jones (CDC), Corola Marta (Yale physician), and community activist Michelle Lopez. -
FDA Accelerated Approval Meeting
Meeting between ACT UP and other HIV/AIDS activists and employees of the Federal Drug Administration regarding recent FDA activities in accelerated approval and expanded access to drugs. -
ACT UP Organizing Meeting
Women in an ACT UP organizing meeting strategize how to recruit activists to grow their community and perform inclusive outreach to support different needs, specifically with connecting healthcare professionals with subjects. -
ACT UP and NIAID Meeting About Natural History Study of Women With HIV (Tape 3)
Meeting between NIAID employee Diane Hartnell and ACT UP, Women with HIV/AIDS, and AIDS activists in Bethesda, Maryland about AIDS research. Side B includes discussions about first women's natural history study with other NIAID employees.Tags AIDS, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), Clinical Trials, Communities, Consciousness Raising, Diane Hartnell, Drugs, Education, Epidemiology, Health Care, Illness, Marina Alvarez, Mary Lucy, Maxine Wolfe, Meetings, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Seh Welch, Social Work, Women's Health -
ACT UP and NIAID Meeting About Natural History Study of Women with HIV (Tape 2)
Meeting between NIAID employee Diane Hartnell and ACT UP, Women with HIV/AIDS, and AIDS activists in Bethesda, Maryland regarding research, including the ACTG, women's natural history, sexual health, pregnancy, and questionnaires.Tags AIDS, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), Clinical Trials, Communities, Consciousness Raising, Drugs, Education, Epidemiology, Health Care, Illness, Marina Alvarez, Mary Lucy, Maxine Wolfe, Meetings, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Seh Welch, Social Work, Women's Health -
ACT UP and NIAI Meeting About Natural History Study of Women with HIV (Tape 1)
Meeting between NIAID employee Diane Hartnell and ACT UP, Women with HIV/AIDS, and AIDS activists in Bethesda, Maryland regarding the inclusion and diversity of women in AIDS studies, sexual health, ACTG, and pediatric care.Tags AIDS, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), Clinical Trials, Communities, Consciousness Raising, Diane Hartnell, Drugs, Education, Epidemiology, Health Care, Illness, Mary Lucy, Maxine Wolfe, Meetings, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Seh Welch, Social Work, Women's Health -
ACT UP and NIAID Meeting on Women and HIV/AIDS
Director of NIAID, Tony Fauci, listens to a presentation by ACT UP activists from New York and Washington, D.C. about the neglect of research for women's health issues in contrast to men's, plus statistics about women with AIDS. -
Target City Hall [D.I.V.A. Footage], 1989
Handheld video recording of the ACT UP action "Target City Hall" on March 28, 1989. -
Target City Hall, 1989
Produced by DIVA TV, this video focuses on the ACT UP action known as Target City Hall when activists demonstrated against access to AIDS drugs and Mayor Ed Koch's response to the crisis at the New York City Hall. -
Gay Men's Health Crisis [Living with AIDS],
Episode of Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) cable show Living with AIDS, covering topics related to women with AIDS. -
An Evening with Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon
Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon speak at a program for a lesbian movement exhibit. They give an overview of the beginning of the lesbian movement and the DOB's history, including public protests and conventions. They speak about a need for lesbians to be recognized more and to be more visible in the media. Unrelated video clips start after 01:30:42. -
Deborah Edel, Joan Nestle & Judith Schwarz Interview
Deborah Edel, Joan Nestle, and Judith Schwarz discuss the formation of the Lesbian Herstory Archives in the 1970s. They detail how the Archives grew out of a consciousness raising group through the Gay Academic Union in 1973. They talk about the mission of the archives, to ensure that lesbian voices and culture were heard and preserved. They also talk about the growth of their collections through donations of books, papers, and photographs from the lesbian community. -
Amazon Autumn Event, 1986
Footage of an event held in 1986. Both Deborah Edel and Judith Schwarz are featured sitting at a table for the Lesbian Herstory Archives and are handing out information about lesbian herstory in general and the archives more specifically. Joan Nestle and Mabel Hampton are also featured. -
Pat Helin and Barbara Deming Interview, May 10, 1987
Pat Helin and Barbara Deming discuss their childhood in Iowa, relationships with their familes, their involvement with the Daughters of Bilitis in San Francisco and their friendship with Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon.
On tape 2, they elaborate on their early days in San Francisco, Pat’s previous marriage, political affiliations, jobs, dancing in gay bars, and why they ultimately left the DOB.