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Rose Jordan Selected Quotes
Rose Jordan discusses her involvement with the New York chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis, as well as her involvement with other women’s political organizations and feminist groups. -
Rose Jordan, May 23, 1993
Rose Jordan discusses her involvement with women’s political organizations and feminist groups and the schism that existed between 2 generations of lesbian women. -
Ruth Berman & Connie Kurtz interview with Rose Jordan, 1984
This episode of "The Lesbian Radio Show" on WBAI is an interview of Ruth Berman and Connie Kurtz by Rose Jordan. The women discuss the importance of Coming Out, the adverse reactions people might have to that news, and the reaction that one might have to their own Coming Out. They talk about working on themselves and about how doing the inner work of acceptance makes it easier for them to live in a society that might not fully accept them. Ruthie and Connie share about their practice of Co-Counseling, in which people can provide emotional support for each other by deep listing. They discuss self esteem, pride, shame, and the connection between emotion and the health of our physical bodies. They encourage people to seek help should they need it.
Ruth and Connie discuss issues with unprocessed trauma and how being triggered can cause a trauma response, unconditional love and the importance of not weaponizing love, and take calls from listeners. They talk about upcoming workshops and counseling that they offer.
Songs played during the show include "I Am What I Am" by Gloria Gaynor and "She" by Holly Near