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Lesbian Nation, September 1, 1972
Introduction of Mary Flowerpot followed by an interview where Martha Shelley and Mary Flowerpot compare and contrast the beginning of the GLF in the United Kingdom and discuss class distiniction, women in the workforce and the drag scene in Europe. Martha Shelley and Mary Flowerpot also read a letter a homophobic letter directed at Joe Johnston that was sent to the Village Voice. At end the episode, Martha Shelley answers phone calls from two lesbians about the firing of a lesbian speaker from WBAI. -
Lesbian Nation, March 13, 1973
Karla Jay and June Rook about the book "Out of the Closet," a gay anthology of views and articles about the gay experience including the gay experience in Cuba and a discussion of the value of the individual perspective. [Bar One by Maxine Adele Feldman] -
Being a Lesbian Woman in Yugoslavia
This is an interview with Jelena Topalović* about being a queer woman in Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav Wars. She discusses nationalism of the Serbian government, women’s rights, and social attitudes toward homosexuality. Topalović discusses the role of women in Serbian society- that of the mother and the nurturer, and how being a lesbian places people outside that paradigm. She also discusses the government campaign to ban abortion, explaining that this makes lesbian women 'useless' members of society because they do not fit into a nationalistic image that a woman's purpose is to bear children to increase the Serbian population. While she notes there were no specific bans in place against lesbians, the government could still make life very difficult for them. She then discusses Arkadia, Serbia’s first Lesbian Lobby, in which she provides a space for women to gather and discuss issues that affect them, and how to fight misconceptions about lesbianism propagated by the government, and social stigmas against lesbians and single women.
*Name changed for privacy