Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

ACT UP and NIAID Meeting About Natural History Study of Women With HIV (Tape 3)




ACT UP and NIAID Meeting About Natural History Study of Women With HIV (Tape 3)


AIDS (Disease); AIDS (Disease)--Political aspects--United States; ACT UP (Organization); New York (State)--New York; United States; AIDS (Disease)--History; AIDS (Disease)--Social aspects--United States; Clinical trials--Reporting; Clinical drug trials; Drugs--Testing; Clinical trials of drugs; Drug bioscreening ; Drug trials ; Drugs--Clinical trials; Drugs--Effectiveness--Testing; Drugs--Evaluation; AIDS (Disease) in women


Meeting between NIAID employee Diane Hartnell and ACT UP, Women with HIV/AIDS, and AIDS activists in Bethesda, Maryland about AIDS research. Side B includes discussions about first women's natural history study with other NIAID employees.
Side A: Meeting between ACT UP and Women with HIV/AIDS and AIDS activists Seh Welch, Mary Lucy, and Maxine Wolfe and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) employees, including Diane Hartnell, in Bethesda, Maryland. Hartnell, who began at the NIAID as Sten Vermund's assistant, discusses research and resources for health information regarding HIV/AIDS infected women, in addition to other issues involving women's health. Welch, Lucy, and Wolfe raise concerns about the research practices, pregnancy and AIDS, and gynocological infections. Side B: Meeting between Women with HIV/AIDS and AIDS activists Lauren Thomas, Marina Alvarez, Mary Giguere, Maxine Wolfe, and other ACT UP activists and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) employees about the first natural history study of women with HIV/AIDS. Although catalog entry lists Side B as first ACTG meeting with Sten Vermund, discussions do not include Vermund and focus on epidemiological issues for the first natural history study of women with HIV.


Donated by Maxine Wolfe on 1993-07-23



Date Created

Digitized on 2015-09-24 and 2015-10-22


Processed by Pratt School of Information LIS-668 students, Fall 2015


See the LHA Rights page for more information





Physical Format

Audio Tape

Digital Format

Preservation: .WAV Access: .MP3




Catalog entry incorrectly lists Side B as ACTG Meetings with Sten Vermund, Tape 1 of 2 (Recorded between December 2 and 5, 1991). See SPW 1590 and 1591 (parts one and two of side 1), 1593 (part two of side 2). Side 2 has clicking and is quiet. Note enclosed with tapes is in the donors binder and typed in the notes for SPW 1590. Recorded Persons: Side I: Seh Welch, Mary Lucy, Maxine Wolfe, Diane Hartell Side 2: Sten Vennund, Evelyn, Diane, Karen, Lauren Thomas, Maxine Wolfe, Marina Alvarez, Mary Giguere
Persons Mentioned: Dr. Helen Zadoff, Dr. Deborah Cot, Judy Feinberg, Diane Finkelstein


Donated by Maxine Wolfe on 1993-07-23, “ACT UP and NIAID Meeting About Natural History Study of Women With HIV (Tape 3),” Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections, accessed September 19, 2024, http://herstories.prattinfoschool.nyc/omeka/items/show/762.
