Pat and DJ, November 11, 1986 (Tape 2)
Pat and DJ, November 11, 1986 (Tape 2)
Lesbians--Sexual behavior
Lesbians--Conduct of life
Lesbian couples
Butch and femme identity
Sexual relationships
Intimate partner violence
Side A: Pat and DJ continue the discussion of relationships during the 1950s from tape cassette SPW457. The two women discuss aspects of how to make relationships long-lasting and the importance or lack thereof of sexual intimacy in relationships. Both Pat and DJ discuss personal opinions related to intimacy in relationships, particularly in long-term relationships. The discussion then turns to types of attraction and intimacy.
Side B: Pat and DJ continue to discuss relationships during the 1950s and talk about reasons for breaking up. The discussion revolves around the importance of taking care of a woman and being able to satisfy her needs. The two women discuss the negative stigma of cheating. The discussion turns to take pride in a partner and the importance of her appearance and physical presence. Pat and DJ also talk about the presence of violence during relationships in the 1950s, listing insecurity between partners as the main reason. The two women speak specifically of violence in bars as a result of talking to another woman’s lady or challenging femmes in relationships to talk to other women. They discuss how much of this behavior was learned from lesbian role models of the 1940s.
Side B: Pat and DJ continue to discuss relationships during the 1950s and talk about reasons for breaking up. The discussion revolves around the importance of taking care of a woman and being able to satisfy her needs. The two women discuss the negative stigma of cheating. The discussion turns to take pride in a partner and the importance of her appearance and physical presence. Pat and DJ also talk about the presence of violence during relationships in the 1950s, listing insecurity between partners as the main reason. The two women speak specifically of violence in bars as a result of talking to another woman’s lady or challenging femmes in relationships to talk to other women. They discuss how much of this behavior was learned from lesbian role models of the 1940s.
Liz Lapovsky
Madeline Davis
Lesbian Herstory Archives
Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science, 665 Projects in Digital Archives Students
Is Format Of
tape cassette “SPW458 Pat and DJʺ
Side A: 31:53
Side B: 31:56
Side B: 31:56
Oral History Interview
Rights Holder
Lesbian Herstory Archives, Contact Designation: Maxine Wolfe, Contact Address: 484 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215, Phone Number: 718-768-3953
Liz Lapovsky et al., “Pat and DJ, November 11, 1986 (Tape 2),” Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections, accessed February 11, 2025, https://herstories.prattinfoschool.nyc/omeka/items/show/14.