Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

Ruth Berman & Connie Kurtz Talk with Pride NY, 2002



Ruth Berman & Connie Kurtz Talk with Pride NY, 2002


Audio recorded at an event put on by Pride NY, the employee network group for LGBT individuals at JP Morgan Chase with Out and Equal Metro New York and the NY Bankers Group.

Blythe Masters from JP Morgan Chase introduces Ruth Berman and Connie Kurtz . Connie recalls feeling different from an early age, issues with shame about being different, and the necessity to challenge the system that makes people feel that way. She talks about her relationship with her family and with Ruthies Family. Ruthie talks about being a mother, coming out as a lesbian as a parent, and her illness that resulted from her internal struggle and shame related to being a Lesbian. Ruthie talks about applying for partner benefits for Connie that lead to the lawsuit against the New York State Board of Eduction and her experience working with Lambda Legal. Ruthie discusses the collective power that queer people and their allies have.

Side 2
Ruthie + Connie talk about their film and take questions from the audience. They discuss making politicians accountable during their time in office and demanding full legal acknowledgement and recognition of rights and personhood. They talk about their involvement with their synagogue, and the power of corperate and professional LGBT groups.


Pride NY

Date Created

September 25, 2002




Pride NY, “Ruth Berman & Connie Kurtz Talk with Pride NY, 2002,” Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections, accessed March 29, 2025, https://herstories.prattinfoschool.nyc/omeka/items/show/1177.