Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

Liz Salen Interview



Liz Salen Interview


In this oral history conducted by the Rossmoor Lesbian Social Club, Liz Salen discusses her early feelings of attraction to girls, her experience having girlfriend at her Hebrew high school, remaining closeted through college and the beginning of law school and her ultimate coming out process and her family's reaction after her sister had also come out as a lesbian. She speaks about her work in her private law practice counseling non-profit activist organizations including OUT Week, ACT UP, and other queer focused organizations, becoming a mother with her partner's biological child, her own pregnancy journey and complications, and adopting a son. She discusses her daughters coming out to her as non-binary and moving to Rossmoor with her partner.


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“Liz Salen Interview,” Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections, accessed March 12, 2025, https://herstories.prattinfoschool.nyc/omeka/items/show/1167.