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Straight Talk About Lesbians, 1980
An educational film strip about lesbian women in which several speak frankly about who they are, as well as their culture and history. Features women discussing their experiences, histories, and perspectives as lesbians, including coming out and living in a homophobic society. Also features discussions with children about their experiences having lesbian parents, as well as with the parents of lesbians. Notable is the discussion of lesbian music, with many songs played throughout.
Video restoration created by digitizing two filmstrips and accompanying cassette tape and assembling through computer video editing program. -
Margie Adam Interview (Part 1)
Margie Adam is interviewed by Ruth Scovill. Recorded April 1, 1976. Margie speaks about growing up with music in the home, and the role of music in civil disobedience. She mentions being deeply affected by tragedies of the day, including the Kent State Massacre, and how it informed her relationship with music, and later moving to California. Part 1 of 4. -
Margie Adam Interview (Part 2)
Margie Adam is interviewed by Ruth Scovill. Margie talks about the Women’s Movement, and the National Womens’ Music Festival in Champaign-Urbana. She discusses definitions for women’s music, feminist music, and her song writing. Part 2 of 4. -
Margie Adam Interview [Redubbed]
Margie Adam is interviewed by Ruth Scovill. Margie performs music, woven between interviews, in this redubbed interview. She discusses women’s music as not being mainstream music, as well as the politics of women’s music, and need for women’s production companies. She mentions the importance of networking with women-owned companies and businesses. Redubbed. -
Margie Adam Interview (Part 3)
Margie Adam is interviewed by Ruth Scovill. Margie continues the interview, discussing her song-writing style, and musician performance technique. She is passionate about music for social change, and talks about difficulties making a living as a performer, specifically focusing on the financial responsibilities as a musician with women audiences. Part 3 of 4. -
Margie Adam Interview (Part 4)
Margie Adam is interviewed by Ruth Scovill. Margie talks about the value of women musicians as speaking out for women’s communities. She discusses the roles of feminism and autonomy in women’s music. Margie talks about what it is like to be a traveling musician, and bands on tour, acknowledging that most women musicians at the time are soloist, white, middle-class women. She talks about trying to be accessible to audiences through music. Part 4 of 4.