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Speaking to the Future: 1978 Lesbian Regional Conference (Tape 1)
Part 1 of interviews addressed to "lesbians of the future" conducted by the Lesbian Herstory Archives at the 1978 Lesbian Regional Conference. Among the subjects discussed in the interviews include coming out, lesbian fashion, older lesbians, chosen names, homophobia, and racism against lesbians of color. -
Neighborhood Voices: Sonny Wainwright Interview (Tape 3)
The New York gay bar scene in the 1950s gave Sonny Wainwright and her peers a place to be together without the interference of straight society. She left New York in 1953 to become a college teacher at University of New Hampshire. Wainwright oscillates between ideas of identity and stories of different instances of being outed in her personal and professional life, including a story about developing a relationship with a student at the University of New Hampshire, who outed her sexualty leading to her dismissal. -
Lesbian Nation, October 22, 1973
Martha Shelley and Lois Chaffee discuss the Women’s Liberation Center and an ongoing dispute over its occupancy of 243 West 20th St., as a family services group has tried to claim the space for themselves. Following their conversation, Martha Shelley reads aloud two letters from listeners, one a gay senior at Stuyvesant High School and the other a student at Sarah Lawrence College. Trigger warning: bullying, homophobic slurs. -
Dyke TV is hateful? [Correspondence]
An email sent by David B. O'Donnell containing text from a June 19, 1995 article in the Colorado Daily called "Dyke TV is hateful? Prove it" by Richard Cendo. According to the article, Melanie J. Schurr refers to Dyke TV as a hate show due to its aversion toward "straights." The author argues that the show may be for lesbians, but that there is no evidence that points to it being averse to different sexual orientations.