Lesbian Herstory Archives AudioVisual Collections

File #1188: "FundraisingLetter1994.pdf"





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" the lesbian hut in the global village."

--Village Voice



Because If We Don't Put Ourselves On The Air
Nobody Else Will
News and Features You Won't See Anywhere Else!
20,000 dykes march through the streets ofWashington...Ocean Springs, Mississippi holds
it first ever gay pride march... Dykes from across the country converge on Tampa when the home
of a lesbian with AIDS is firebombed ... Lesbian rugby players take you up-close and behind-thescen.as ... Lexa's Lesbian Leve Si~ reYeal th2 fa:ue passion cf cr_istals.

These are just a few of the segments that have aired on DYKE TY. Upcoming shows will feature
an interview with writer Dorothy Allison, reports from The Gay Games and Stonewall 25,
n ational anti-gay ballot measures, plus Notes from the Lesbian Herstory Archives, late-breaking
news, the hottest gossip and much more.

This is TV That's Way Overdue...

DYKE TV is the only all-lesbian show of its kind in the history of television. Think about that.
It's 1994. Television is over 50 years old. We've endured decades of TV invisibility, stereotypes,
and distorted news coverage. Our realities, our expressions, our images have been systematically shut out. Because TV has become such a powerful medium, our TV invisibility contributes to
our invisibility in society.

This can change, but only if we work together to make it change.
DYKE TV is already making it change, working as activists and setting up a network that puts
us on the air--across the nation. Dyke cameras are everywhere! Correspondents are in place in

D.enver, New Orleans, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, London and Moscow. And this is just the begin·
rung-more correspondents are anticipated and many areas are working to get DYKE TV on thei
local cable.
Denver PBS, Manh~n, Brooklyn, Can'ibrldge, Northampton, Auatln, Dalla, Atlanta, W•hlngton, DC. , Fay.nevHle, AR
San Francisco AND COMING SOON TO New Orleana, Yellow Springe. OH. Chicago, Seattle and• tv near you/

-- page 2--

Grassroots Power and Lesbian 1·a lent Galore!
DYKE TV exists because of volunteers, because scores of lesbians have given enormously of their time and talent.
· DYKE TV is sharpening the edge, expanding the form of TV
programming, committed to reinv en ting television for the
lesbian nation.
Subversive, informative, and entertaining, DYKE TV is a
IIPQ~ ~ - - fluid, exciting process, tapping into r esources and building

the foundation for a responsive and responsible forum for
the entire community. How about some specials, some spinoffs? Hey, how about a DYKE TV Network? The possibilities are endless, but...

Fi.,1,r.rl.s are ri.1.n.n.i~g 011.t!
iliiiiioii_ _ _ _ ___.


Not surprisingly, DYKE TV has not been the recipient of
large, prestigious grants. If not for the power of the community, DYKE TV would not be on the air in the first place,
and it won't stay on much longer without your help. We can
do it the way we've done so many other things-by a lot of
dykes giving what they can, whether it's a little or a lot.
The medium of television is exploding - information highways, interactive TY, 560 channels of non-stop images. Our
images won't be among them, if we don't put them there. If
we're going to have a ''hut in the global village," we'll have
to build it ourselves, maintain it ourselves, and expand it

Now's the time-the possibilities are too exciting
to let slip away.
Help make it ht1ppen. Give what you can.
Support DYKE TV any way you can.
Please make checks payable to

DYKE TV/ SANG FROID at 588 B'way, Ste. 504 NY NY 10012